Steam Room Maintenance

Once you have got your steam room you will be ready to sit back and enjoy it. There will be a glistening room and you will be bound to want to keep it like this. The good news is that there is not a great deal that you need to do when looking after it. Unlike many other jobs you have to do around the house steam room maintenance is not a major job.

Steam Room Maintenance

Most of the steam room maintenance is a matter of common sense and general hygiene.  You will not want to let germs grow in there and even if it is just family who use it you do not want to be passing each other’s germs around.  It can be cleaned in very much the same way that the shower cubicle and the rest of the bathroom can be cleaned.  There is no need to buy extra products because if they are delicate enough to use on the shower they will be delicate enough for the steam room.

Steam Room Maintenance inside the Steam Room

Keeping the floor clean in very important and this will be from a safety point of view as much as hygiene, if the floor is left wet it will be easy to fall and you could sustain a nasty injury.  A wet floor will also allow the bacteria to flourish and this is something that you do not want to get started as once they begin they will expand very quickly.

The best way to carry out your steam room maintenance is as soon as you step out of the steam room.  Just quickly wipe around the floor walls and seat and if you feel the necessity use a cloth with a bit of disinfectant on it.  If you feel the rest of the family are using the steam room and not cleaning it, it will be a good idea to do this a couple of times a week.

Steam Room Maintenance outside the Steam Room

The generator will also need to be checked especially if the steam room is not used on a regular basis or if there has been a gap of a few weeks without use.  There is not the same amount of concern when it comes to the generator as the water there is boiling and it is more than likely that all the germs will be killed off.  If you do have concerns about the cleanliness of the generator it is possible to just clean it out in the same way that you would the pool.  There is no need to buy any extra products but just use the same ones.  Check that the generator is kept dry and does not get any mildew growing.  This will not only mean it is less pleasant to use but could also shorten the lifetime of the generator.  As they are the most expensive part of the steam room you will want to make sure that this part of your steam room maintenance is carried out correctly.